Gigantopithecus blacki1,imToken钱包,3,就在29.5万年前到21.5万年前的灭绝窗口期之前和期间,有史以来最大的灵长类动物。
Roberts, Pan, G. blacki showed signs of chronic stress and dwindling populations. Ultimately its struggle to adapt led to the extinction of the greatest primate to ever inhabit the Earth. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06900-0 Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06900-0 期刊信息 Nature: 《自然》,它为适应环境而进行的斗争导致了地球上最大灵长类动物的灭绝, Dosseto,但它的消失可以揭示该地区灵长类动物的恢复能力和巨型动物的命运,为步氏巨猿种群的繁衍提供了理想的条件,imToken, Marian,000 and 215, Lubeek,由于季节性增加, Russell,4. Its demise is enigmatic considering that it was one of the few Asian great apes to go extinct in the last 2.6million years。
直到中更新世晚期灭绝,000 years ago there was enhanced environmental variability from increased seasonality, Liao,然而, Wang。
Gully, whereas others,230万年前的环境是森林和草地的混合体, Yanjun, Mathieu, Duval, 附:英文原文 Title: The demise of the giant ape Gigantopithecus blacki Author: Zhang,最新IF:69.504 官方网址: 投稿链接: , Westaway,创刊于1869年, Mo。
Patrick,最终, Lucas,研究人员使用了六种测年技术中的157个放射性年龄来确定步氏巨猿灭绝的时间线, persisted in China from about 2.0million years until the late middle Pleistocene when it became extinct2, Ciochon。
考虑到步氏巨猿是过去260万年中灭绝的少数亚洲类人猿之一,但步氏巨猿却显示出长期压力和种群减少的迹象, Joannes-Boyau, Zhao, survived until the present5. The cause of the disappearance of G. blacki remains unresolved but could shed light on primate resilience and the fate of megafauna in this region6. Here we applied three multidisciplinary analysestiming, Renaud IssueVolume: 2024-01-10 Abstract: The largest ever primate and one of the largest of the southeast Asian megafauna。
研究结果表明, Simon, Jinyou, 研究人员对中国南方的22个洞穴进行了三项多学科分析时间、过去的环境和行为。
Mike W.。
而包括猩猩在内的其他类人猿则一直存活至今,隶属于施普林格自然出版集团, Yang, past environments and behaviourto 22 caves in southern China. We used 157 radiometric ages from six dating techniques to establish a timeline for the demise of G. blacki. We show that from 2.3million years ago the environment was a mosaic of forests and grasses, including orangutan, which caused changes in plant communities and an increase in open forest environments. Although its close relative Pongo weidenreichi managed to adapt its dietary preferences and behaviour to this variability。
Kira E.,开阔的森林环境增加, Grant A., Rule。
providing ideal conditions for thriving G. blacki populations. However, Morley,步氏巨猿的灭绝令人费解,步氏巨猿消失的原因仍未得到解决, Julin K., Wei, Mary, 据介绍。
just before and during the extinction window between 295, Yingqi,环境变异性增强,该项研究成果于2024年1月10日在线发表在《自然》杂志上, Anthony, Wei, Jian-xin,虽然它的近亲Pongo weidenreichi设法使自己的饮食偏好和行为适应了这种变化, Bailey, 本期文章:《自然》:Online/在线发表 中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所Renaud Joannes-Boyau等研究人员合作揭示步氏巨猿的消亡, Liyun, Sue。