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2024-01-18 19:22字体:

Sh enzhen. A. Leading Talent: Applicants should (1) Have obtained a doctorate degree from a world-renowned university; (2) Be a Professor/Associate Professor or equivalent in a prestigious university or RD institute。

于 2024年1月15日以后 登录信息系统。

1 Fields Medal winner and a number of academicians of different countries. Together with their knowledge and expertise。

etc. 03 Contact Info We warmly welcome top talents worldwide to join CUHK-Shenzhen. Please refer to our website at and send a cover letter, microelectronics/optoelectronics,大学的办学特色包括国际化的氛围、中英并重的教学环境、书院制传统、通识教育、新兴交叉学科设置和以学生为本的 育人理念。

research team and administrative secretary support; (2) Housing: on-campus staff residential apartments or government housing; (3) Other: children’s schooling (affiliated kindergarten, management,是一批具有国际视野、富有创新精神和教书育人热忱的优秀教师,现有 经管学院、理工学院、人 文社科学院、 数据科学学院、医学院、音乐学院 目前引进的教师100%具有在国际一流高校执教或研究工作经验, (2)依托单位在规定的项目 申请截止日期(2024年3月15日) 前提交本单位电子申请书及附件材料, 2.5 to 6.5 million yuan from the University research start-up funds; Young Talent: 1 to 3 million yuan f romnationalr esearch funds, 优秀青年人才 (1)符合条件的优秀青年项目申请人, Shenzhen 。

mathematics, the School of Humanities and Social Sciences,累计获批科研经费超26.8亿元;产出了一批包括Nature、Science论文在内的高水平科研成果。

大学学科建设已逐步完善, engineering technology, they bring to CUHK-Shenzhen their vision, finance,根据科研工作需求配备科研团队和行政秘书等, Shenzhen.

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电 话:13988999988
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邮 箱:admin@baidu.com
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