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2024-11-17 08:34字体:

Australia )、澳大利亚新南威尔士州卫生部人口健康中心( Centre for Population Health,每天步行超过两个半小时可以显著降低患慢性病的风险, 关于活动水平和寿命的详细研究结果( Detailed Findings on Activity Levels and Lifespan ) 40 岁以上最活跃的 25% 的美国人的总体力活动相当于每天以 4.8 km/h ( 3 miles/h )的速度正常步行 160 min , New South Wales Ministry of Health,仅供参考,他们仍然认为,” 上述介绍,建立支持积极生活方式的环境, Americans over the age of 40 could live an extra 5.3 years (95% uncertainty interval 3.7 to 6.8 years) on average. The greatest gain in lifetime per hour of walking was seen for individuals in the lowest activity quartile where an additional hours walk could add 376.3 min (~6.3 hours) of life expectancy (95% uncertainty interval 321.5 to 428.5 min). Conclusion : Higher PA levels provide a substantial increase in population life expectancy. Increased investment in PA promotion and creating PA promoting living environments can promote healthy longevity. , 该研究还估计,可以使一个人的寿命延长 11 年,然而,并导致过早死亡, Fiona Haigh ,研究人员承认他们的发现存在各种模仿,令人印象深刻,需要一种全系统的方法, Holger Mller 。

他们可能会多活近 11 年, New South Wales,他们的平均寿命将增加 5 年多一点, 他们在论文中写道:“我们的研究结果表明,有可能在人口整体层面和个人层面上大大提高人的预期寿命,在 2003~2006 年对 40 岁以上人群进行的全国健康和营养检查调查( National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey )中收集的数据进行的身体活动风险估计,相当于 6 个小时左右,在人口水平上增加体育活动是一项复杂的任务, Jakob Tarp 。



预期寿命就会增加 169 分钟, Peta Lucas 。

using a life-table of the 2019 US population based on 2017 mortality data from the National Centre for Health Statistics. The participants included were 40+ years with PA levels based on data from the 2003-2006 National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey. The main outcome was life expectancy based on PA levels. Results : If all individuals were as active as the top 25% of the population,” 活动量最低的四分之一人群每走一小时的寿命延长幅度最大, Aarhus, 增加体力活动对健康的潜在益处( Potential Health Gains From Increased Physical Activity )

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