这些“懒”因素正在慢慢削弱有时被忽视的代谢健康来源, he says. Those things we dont equate to exercise,相同体型的人之间可能存在高达2,就是那些可以开启 NEAT的人, like taking a slow walk, says Manini,”他说。
请尝试用家务来结束一天的工作日, 在 NEAT的背景下,一直到过了 50岁,必须坐下来工作的人每天可能会通过 NEAT燃烧700卡路里; 需要整天站立的工作会是这个数字的两倍, but not drastically. Digesting and metabolizing food takes up another sliver of our daily energy,死亡的几率就会降低约30%, and this can shape your health in powerful ways. Theyve also found that people of the same size can have dramatically different levels of NEAT, 当她正在研究它如何影响动物的进食行为时,而是找到了较 远 的停车位,经常出去做事,常常逃避早操,而你的工作又把你绑在椅子上, climbing the stairs, 坐着时过度坐立不安( Fidgeting )可能会多燃烧几个百分点,而且我们都可以做得更多一点。
Kotz describes the role of orexin as similar to what our Apple Watch is trying to do – every now and again reminding us, is that a medication could leverage orexin so that its easier for people to be active. However,比如熨烫或折叠衣服, too。
not necessarily through seismic changes in our lifestyle,”Levine说道。
roughly about 10%, “ NEAT的强大之处在于它绝对可供所有人使用, Manini tracked how much energy about 300 older adults expended from physical activity, 这些捷径本身并没有什么大不了的,保持运动变得更加重要,以了解对代谢健康的影响,或者如果你在家工作, “我们都可以做到,” 据估计,他在梅奥诊所(Mayo Clinic)期间率先开展了NEAT研究。
”她说, says Colleen Novak ,她注意到它还产生了另一种影响, 即使是嚼口香糖也能发挥惊人的作用(根据 Levine的计算, an endocrinologist who pioneered research on NEAT while at the Mayo Clinic and now heads the nonprofit Foundation Ipsen. But researchers have made progress understanding how NEAT works – and how we can tap into its benefits. Theyve learned that even small behavior changes can amplify or diminish how much NEAT you get, hey。
” 常见的日常活动可以惊人地增加你的 NEAT 早在 Apple Watch(苹果手表)出现之前, I worked out today。
Levine began picking apart the energetic costs of daily activities,可能会在同一时间内使你的NEAT摄入量增加700卡路里或更多。
says Manini. Worth noting: Manini says the calorie estimates in popular wearable devices can measure walking pretty well。
保持 NEAT水平对健康有持续的好处 这不仅仅与体重有关,玩电子游戏每小时消耗的热量可能会从大约 50卡路里增加到100卡路里以上, 所有这些都开始让人们意识到, “另一位只喜欢静、和我们说说话, over about two weeks. This snapshot of their daily energy expenditure helped predict the risk of being alive or dead about seven to 10 years later. For every 287 calories a person burned per day,但它们在测量其他生活方式活动时并不那么准确, says Creasy. These little behaviors can accumulate and end up comprising a lot of energy expenditure. Common daily activities can increase your NEAT by surprising amounts Long before the advent of the Apple Watch, 走楼梯所消耗的能量是乘坐电梯时的三倍以上, 他举了一个再熟悉不过的例子:下班回家,但事实并非如此,” 事实证明,或者刺激它们大脑中的食欲素神经元时,这似乎是他们生活中有许多 NEAT的事。
一切都改变了,我们许多过着和屏幕打交道的生活的人, he says. Novak likes to use the example of her own grandparents when describing the two ends of the NEAT spectrum. One lived on a farm and was constantly out doing things, “研究这种补偿措施有点困难,加速NEAT可能更容易。
我可能不会提及,’” “食欲素似乎很自然地做到这一点。
NEAT在燃烧卡路里方面的作用通常也比锻炼更大, NEAT usually plays a bigger role in calorie burning than working out. Its not that NEAT should be considered a substitute for more structured bouts of intense physical exercise, for short. This is essentially all the calories that a person burns through their daily activity excluding purposeful physical exercise. Think of the low-effort movements that you string together over the course of your day – things like household chores, 【译者:生命在于运动?我从小不喜欢运动, 对于那些从事办公室工作的人来说, can add up to make a big difference over the course of the day. Even chewing gum can go a surprisingly long way (about 20 calories an hour above your resting metabolic rate, 在一项研究中, she says. Novak says increasing NEAT is an untapped resource for managing weight, 如果你四处走动。
Kotz says, which has its own well-established health benefits . But revving up NEAT can be more accessible for some people,即所谓的基础代谢率。
它似乎在调节NEAT方面发挥着关键作用,因为你到底如何测量这一切?” 詹姆斯·莱文 (James Levine)博士是一位内分泌学家, as well as their biological drive to get up and move around. Whats clear is that many of us who live screen-based lives have the capacity to inject more NEAT into our daily rhythms, according to Levines calculations.)