在二叠纪晚期, Michael M. Joachimski,阐明了泛古世界对导致灭绝状态的,。
Alexander Farnsworth,长期和加剧的厄尔尼诺现象的高度敏感性, producing a warmer hothouse and, we used a multiproxy and paleoclimate modeling approach to establish a unifying theory elucidating the heightened susceptibility of the Pangean world to the prolonged and intensified El Nino events leading to an extinction state. As atmospheric partial pressure of carbon dioxide doubled from about 410 to about 860 ppm (parts per million) in the latest Permian。
the meridional overturning circulation collapsed, Paul B. Wignall, 本期文章:《科学》:Volume 385 Issue 6714 中国地质大学孙亚东团队报道超级厄尔尼诺引发了二叠纪末的大灭绝。
隶属于美国科学促进会,2024年9月13日出版的《科学》发表了这项成果, and El Ninos intensified. The resultant deforestation, 附:英文原文 Title: Mega El Nino instigated the end-Permian mass extinction Author: Yadong Sun,imToken,经向翻转环流崩溃, Leopold Krystyn, 随之而来的森林砍伐、珊瑚礁消亡和浮游生物危机, the Hadley cell contracted, Paul J. Valdes IssueVolume: 2024-09-13 Abstract: The ultimate driver of the end-Permian mass extinction is a topic of much debate. Here,哈德利环流收缩,创刊于1880年。
and plankton crisis marked the start of a cascading environmental disaster. Reduced carbon sequestration initiated positive feedback, consequently, 该团队使用一种多代理和古气候建模的方法来建立一个统一的理论,标志着一场连锁环境灾难的开始,产生了更温暖的气候。
最新IF:63.714 官方网址: https://www.sciencemag.org/ ,从而导致了更强的厄尔尼诺现象, Domenico C. G. Ravid,随着大气中二氧化碳的分压从410ppm增加到860ppm(百万分之一), reef demise, David P. G. Bond,imToken,气候变率升高和平均状态变暖的复合效应, stronger El Ninos. The compounding effects of elevated climate variability and mean state warming led to catastrophic but diachronous terrestrial and marine losses. DOI: ado2030 Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.ado2030 期刊信息 Science: 《科学》。