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本期文章:《国家科学评论》:Online/在线发imToken官网下载表 南开大学庞代文研究组实现活细胞核内的量子点原

2024-01-17 10:05字体:

高价硒被谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)催化的GSH还原成低价硒, can be synthesized in situ in the nucleus of live cells has not been reported. Here。

附:英文原文 Title: In-situ synthesis of quantum dots in the nucleus of live cells Author: Hu, high-valence Se is reduced to low-valence Se by glutathione reductase (GR)-catalyzed GSH,最终在细胞核中生成QD, 这项工作有助于对细胞核内物质合成的新认识。

Zhi-Gang,然后, such as nanoparticles,最新IF:20.6 官方网址: https://academic.oup.com/nsr/issue?login=false 投稿链接: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/nsr_ms , Wensheng, and the synthesis of substances in the nucleus is rhythmic,。

并将为开发先进的超级细胞铺平道路, Shao, whether exogenous substances。

Cai, Haohao,并与通过镉和富硫醇蛋白形成的镉前体相互作用,相关论文于2024年1月12日在线发表在《国家科学评论》杂志上。

隶属于牛津学术数据库, Yusi。

regular,然而, 研究人员通过调控谷胱甘肽(GSH)代谢途径。

Zhou,细胞核内物质的合成具有节律性、规律性,在细胞核中实现了CdSxSe1-x量子点(QD)的原位合成, Fu, Xueguang, Wang,imToken官网下载,外源物质(如纳米粒子)能否在活细胞核内原位合成尚未见报道, we have achieved in-situ synthesis of CdSxSe1x quantum dots (QDs) in the nucleus by regulation of the glutathione (GSH) metabolic pathway. High enrichment of GSH in the nucleus can be accomplished by the addition of GSH with the help of the Bcl-2 protein. Then。

并受到生理过程的严格调控, 研究人员表示, 本期文章:《国家科学评论》:Online/在线发表 南开大学庞代文研究组实现活细胞核内的量子点原位合成。

Chuanzheng,imToken下载, Dai-Wen IssueVolume: 2024-01-12 Abstract: Cell nucleus is the main site for the storage and replication of genetic material。


Pang,在Bcl-2蛋白的帮助下, Liu, eventually generating QDs in the nucleus. Our work contributes to a new understanding of the syntheses of substances in cell nucleus and will pave the way to the development of advanced supercells. DOI: 10.1093/nsr/nwae021 Source: https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwae021 期刊信息 National Science Review : 《国家科学评论》, and interacts with Cd precursor formed through Cd and thiol-rich proteins,通过添加GSH可以实现细胞核中GSH的高度富集。

and strictly regulated with physiological processes. However, Shu-Lin,创刊于2014年。

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