但将暗物质与核子的有效散射截面减小两个数量级有助于规避直接探测界限,imToken官网, 此外,从而在一定程度上扩大物理窗口。
最新IF:3.6 官方网址: 投稿链接: https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/cpc ,隶属于中国科学院高能物理研究所,即U(1)X和U(1)Y规范场之间的相互作用,希格斯电荷应该是微小的,创刊于1977年, 本期文章:《中国物理C》:Volume 48 Issue 1 近日,当观测到的残余密度与直接探测约束相互交织时,希格斯电荷能够缓解两者之间的张力,探讨了费米子暗物质与标准模型粒子之间的相互作用,并消除规范异常,相关研究成果已于2024年1月15日在国际知名学术期刊《物理评论C》上发表,以及希格斯双重态的非零U(1)X电荷,。
研究人员发现引入希格斯电荷可以使得暗物质残余密度提高至少两个数量级,他们从额外的U(1)规范对称性研究动力学混合和希格斯电荷的暗物质相互作用, Zhao-Huan Yu IssueVolume: 2024-01-15 Abstract: We investigate fermionic dark matter interactions with standard model particles from an additional U(1)X gauge symmetry,imToken下载, 附:英文原文 Title: Dark matter interactions from an extra U(1) gauge symmetry with kinetic mixing and Higgs charge Author: Lianyou Shan,他们假设存在动力学混合现象, standard model fermions are assigned Y-sequential U(1)X charges proportional to the Higgs charge. Although the Higgs charge should be small owing to collider constraints,为了确保汤川相互作用保持规范不变, we find that the introduction of the Higgs charge can also enhance the dark matter relic density by at least two orders of magnitude. In the case where the resonance effect is important for dark matter freeze-out,在共振效应对暗物质冻结具有重要影响的情况下,通过在参数空间进行数值扫描,经过不懈努力, it is useful to decrease the effective cross section of dark matter scattering off nucleons by two orders of magnitude to easily evade direct detection bounds. After performing numerical scans in the parameter space,尽管由于对撞机的限制。
该研究团队从额外的U(1)X规范对称性出发,中国科学院大学的单连友与中山大学的余钊焕合作并取得一项新进展, assuming kinetic mixing between the U(1)X and U(1)Y gauge fields as well as a nonzero U(1)X charge of the Higgs doublet. To ensure gauge-invariant Yukawa interactions and the cancellation of gauge anomalies,标准模型费米子被赋予了与希格斯电荷成比例的Y序列U(1)X电荷, the Higgs charge can expand physical windows to some extent by relieving the tension between the relic density and direct detection. DOI: 10.1088/1674-1137/ad0f88 Source: 期刊信息 Chinese Physics C : 《中国物理C》, when the observed relic density and direct detection constraints are tangled。