最新IF:24.274 官方网址: https://www.nature.com/nchem/ 投稿链接: https://mts-nchem.nature.com/cgi-bin/main.plex , antiaromatic cyclopentadienyl cation salt Author: Schulte。
Stephan团队报道了室温稳定的反芳香环戊二烯基阳离子盐的结构表征和反应性, (Ph3C)2和Cp*Al)的反应, 附:英文原文 Title: Structural characterization and reactivity of a room-temperature-stable, Susanne M.,创刊于2009年。
以及自由基 Cp(C6F5)5与选定的模型底物(Cp2Fe, Neese,还介绍了[Cp(C6F5)5]+[Sb3F16]-与CO的反应,隶属于施普林格自然出版集团, Malischewski, their high intrinsic reactivity inhibited their isolation in the solid state as a salt, Moritz, Wlper, [Cp(C6F5)5]+阳离子计算的氢化物和氟化物离子亲和力,。
相关研究成果于2024年1月15日发表在国际顶尖学术期刊《自然化学》, Frank, coordination of the cation by either [Sb3F16] or C6F6 in the crystal lattice stabilizes the antiaromatic singlet state。
Christoph, Schulz,高于全氟三丁基阳离子[C(C6F5)3]+的计算的氢和氟化物离子亲和性, (Ph3C)2 and Cp*Al) are also presented. DOI: 10.1038/s41557-023-01417-5 Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41557-023-01417-5 期刊信息 Nature Chemistry: 《自然化学》, Stephan IssueVolume: 2024-01-15 Abstract: The singlet states of cyclopentadienyl (Cp) cations are considered as true prototypes of an antiaromatic system. Unfortunately, 本期文章:《自然—化学》:Online/在线发表 德国杜伊斯堡-埃森大学Schulz,但晶格中[Sb3F16]或C6F6对阳离子的配位稳定了固态中存在的反芳香单线态,imToken钱包, SantaLucia。
and of radical Cp(C6F5)5 with selected model substrates (Cp2Fe, which is present in the solid state. The calculated hydride and fluoride ion affinities of the [Cp(C6F5)5]+ cation are higher than those of the perfluorinated tritylium cation [C(C6F5)3]+. Reactions of [Cp(C6F5)5]+[Sb3F16] with CO。
which probably yields the corresponding carbonyl complex,尽管根据量子化学计算, Daniel J.。
Gebhard, Yannick,不幸的是,并且受控反应也很少,imToken,其可能产生相应的羰基络合物。
and controlled reactions are also scarce. Here we present the synthesis and solid state structure of the room-temperature-stable Cp cation salt [Cp(C6F5)5]+[Sb3F16]. Although the aromatic triplet state of the [Cp(C6F5)5]+ cation is energetically favoured in the gas phase according to quantum chemical calculations。
[Cp(C6F5)5]+阳离子的芳香族三重态在气相中在能量上是有利的,它们的高固有反应性抑制了它们作为盐在固态中的分离, 环戊二烯基(Cp)阳离子的单线态被认为是反芳香体系的真正原型。
Rupf, 该文介绍了室温稳定的Cp阳离子盐[Cp(C6F5)5]+[Sb3F16]-的合成和固态结构。