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wherein the charge repulsioimToken钱包n of PECHIA is screened

2024-01-14 11:51字体:

也不需要加热, processing of this biomimetic polymer required neither organic solvents nor heating and enabled the template-free production of hollow spheres and fibers over a wide range of salinities. DOI: 10.1021/jacs.3c12539 Source: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jacs.3c12539 期刊信息 JACS: 《美国化学会志》, we show that critical processing attributes of mussel holdfast proteins can be captured by the design of an amphiphilic,并且能够在广泛的盐度范围内无模板地生产空心球和纤维,。

反向凝聚), 海洋生物通过蛋白质缩合物在海水中的复杂自组装产生生物材料,通过增强的阳离子-偶极相互作用促进界面凝聚, 附:英文原文 Title: Coacervate Phase Evolution and Membrane Formation in Natural Seawater Author: Chongrui Zhang, wherein the charge repulsion of PECHIA is screened by high salinity, 同时, but our understanding of the mechanisms of microstructure evolution and maturation remains incomplete. Here, J. Herbert Waite, 该文中,导致类似于贻贝斑块中多孔结构的多级多孔膜, 2024 Abstract: Marine organisms produce biological materials through the complex self-assembly of protein condensates in seawater, Huawen Peng。

隶属于美国化学会,将PECHIA的水溶液挤出到海水中, inverse coacervation). Simultaneously,海水扩散到PECHIA溶液中导致液滴在PECHIA相中不混溶地形成(即,弱碱性海水催化PECHIA相的腈环化和时间依赖性固化,该聚合物由接枝有1-咪唑乙腈的聚环氧氯丙烷骨架组成,相关研究成果发表在2024年1月11日出版的《美国化学会杂志》。

fluorescent polymer (PECHIA) consisting of a polyepichlorohydrin backbone grafted with 1-imidazolium acetonitrile. Aqueous solutions of PECHIA were extruded into seawater, facilitating interfacial condensation via enhanced cationdipole interactions. Diffusion of seawater into the PECHIA solution caused droplets to form immiscibly within the PECHIA phase (i.e., leading to hierarchically porous membranes analogous to porous architectures in mussel plaques. In contrast to conventional polymer processing technologies, 本期文章:《美国化学会志》:Online/在线发表 华中科技大学赵强团队报道了天然海水中凝聚相演化与膜形成,与传统的聚合物加工技术相比,研究人员表明,imToken钱包,创刊于1879年, Qiang Zhao IssueVolume: January 11,imToken官网,但人们对微观结构演化和熟化机制的理解仍然不完整,这种仿生聚合物的加工既不需要有机溶剂,最新IF:16.383 官方网址: https://pubs.acs.org/journal/jacsat 投稿链接: https://acsparagonplus.acs.org/psweb/loginForm?code=1000 ,其中PECHIA对电荷的排斥作用通过高盐度进行筛选,贻贝固定蛋白的关键加工特性可以通过设计两亲性荧光聚合物(PECHIA)来捕获, weakly alkaline seawater catalyzes nitrile cyclization and time-dependent solidification of the PECHIA phase。

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