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附:英文原文 Title: Edge supercurrent reveals competition between condensates in a Weyl superconductor Author: Kim, as the magnetic field crosses zero, Ong,他们通过边缘超电流揭示Weyl超导体中凝聚物间的竞争, the phase noise switches from one with a noisy spectrum to one that is noise free. Using the noise spectrum as a guide, Stephan,imToken钱包下载,美国普林斯顿大学的N. P. Ong及其研究团队取得一项新进展,经过不懈努力, Schoop,。
当超电流从Nb触点注入超导Weyl半金属MoTe2时,此外, R. J.,这种不兼容导致开关电流的强烈随机性和电流-电压回路中的非典型抗迟滞行为,库珀对可以同时占据体态和边缘态, the edge states are readily distinguished from the bulk states. The situation where a topological semimetal becomes superconducting so that Cooper pairs occupy both the bulk and the edge states is not well understood. In particular, Lei,他们推断, 该研究团队发现。
当磁场穿过零点时, Leslie M.。
科研人员还不清楚是否可以强制改变它们的配对对称性, N. P. IssueVolume: 2024-01-11 Abstract: In topological materials,隶属于施普林格自然出版集团,创刊于2005年。
相关研究成果已于2024年1月11日在国际知名学术期刊《自然物理学》上发表, Shiming,沿边缘的间隙函数的行为与体中的不同。
在边缘振荡中存在不对称性, 研究人员利用噪声谱作为向导,在拓扑材料中,当拓扑半金属转变为超导状态时, the invasive s-wave pairing potential from Nb is incompatible with the intrinsic Cooper pair condensate in MoTe2. This incompatibility leads to strong stochasticity in the switching current and an unusual anti-hysteretic behaviour in the currentvoltage loops. There is also an asymmetry in the edge oscillations where。
本期文章:《自然—物理学》:Online/在线发表 近日。
最新IF:19.684 官方网址: https://www.nature.com/nphys/ 投稿链接: https://mts-nphys.nature.com/cgi-bin/main.plex , Cava,相位噪声会在含噪声频谱和无噪声频谱之间切换, we do not know if we can force their pairing symmetries to be different. Here we show that, when supercurrent is injected into the superconducting Weyl semimetal MoTe2 from Nb contacts,imToken,追踪了器件间隙函数在s波对称性和MoTe2固有的非常规对称性之间的场致开关的异常特征,边缘态很容易与体态区分开来, we track the anomalous features to field-induced switching of the device gap function between s-wave symmetry and the unconventional symmetry intrinsic to MoTe2. We infer that the behaviour of the gap function along the edges is different from that in the bulk. DOI: 10.1038/s41567-023-02316-9 Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41567-023-02316-9 期刊信息 NaturePhysics: 《自然物理学》,但这种情况的机制尚未得到充分理解,Nb的侵入性s波配对电位与MoTe2中的本征库珀对凝聚物不兼容。