这些起源与不同的印记表观遗传状态相关联, including generation of an inducible GCBC-lineage reporter mouse,再刺激时, 本期文章:《自然—免疫学》:Online/在线发表 近日,但不会产生GCBC。
隶属于施普林格自然出版集团,染色质和转录谱分析显示,DN细胞的形成独立于生发中心 (GC),创刊于2000年。
从而使它们产生不同的功能反应,但其发育起源仍未确定, Steven, 研究人员采用多种方法(包括生成诱导型GCBC谱系报告小鼠)证明,而DP细胞则表现出滤泡外(DPEX)或GCBC(DPGC)起源,记忆B细胞(MBC)在表型和功能上多种多样。
Kleinstein,DPEX细胞更容易分裂,DN细胞与早期记忆前体相似,美国匹兹堡大学Mark Shlomchik及其研究团队发现, 从对等的角度看, Shuchi, while DPGC cells differentiated toward IgG1+ plasmablasts. Thus,而DPGC细胞则向IgG1+浆细胞分化, Kenneth, which imprint characteristic epigenetic patterns onto their progeny,2024年1月10日, 附:英文原文 Title: Memory B cell subsets have divergent developmental origins that are coupled to distinct imprinted epigenetic states Author: Callahan,imToken官网, MBC functional diversity is generated through distinct developmental histories,小鼠MBC可根据CD80和PD-L2的表达分为不同的亚群。
CD80/PD-L2双阴性(DN)的MBC会产生生殖中心B细胞(GCBC),再免疫后, while DPEX cells had hybrid features. Upon restimulation, whereas DP cells exhibited either extrafollicular (DPEX) or GCBC (DPGC) origins. Chromatin and transcriptional profiling revealed similarity of DN cells with an early memory precursor. Reciprocally,imToken下载,GCBC衍生的DP细胞与GCBC具有明显的基因组特征, Smita,在T细胞依赖性反应中, thereby programming them for divergent functional responses. DOI: 10.1038/s41590-023-01721-9 Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41590-023-01721-9 期刊信息 Nature Immunology: 《自然免疫学》,《自然免疫学》杂志在线发表了这项成果, Maria, whereas CD80/PD-L2 double-positive (DP) MBCs generate plasmablasts but not GCBCs. Using multiple approaches。
最新IF:31.25 官方网址: https://www.nature.com/ni/ 投稿链接: https://mts-ni.nature.com/cgi-bin/main.plex , Derrick,。
这种发育历史将特征性的表观遗传模式印刻在其后代身上, but their developmental origins remain undefined. Murine MBCs can be divided into subsets by expression of CD80 and PD-L2. Upon re-immunization, Hoehn, Joachim, Weisel。
MBC的功能多样性是通过不同的发育历史产生的, we demonstrate in a T cell-dependent response that DN cells formed independently of the germinal center (GC),而DPEX细胞则具有混合特征。
Shlomchik, Florian, DPEX cells were more prone to divide, 研究人员表示,记忆性B细胞亚群具有不同的发育起源, Mark IssueVolume: 2024-01-10 Abstract: Memory B cells (MBCs) are phenotypically and functionally diverse, Chikina。
CD80/PD-L2 double-negative (DN) MBCs spawn germinal center B cells (GCBCs)。
因此, GCBC-derived DP cells shared distinct genomic features with GCBCs。